Achieving Approval: How A Translation Agency Can Help Your USCIS Documents Stand Out

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the government agency responsible for handling all immigration-related issues, including the acceptance of translated documents. In order for a translation to be accepted by the USCIS, it must meet certain requirements.

First and foremost, the translation must be done by a certified translator. This means that the translator must have a certification or accreditation from a recognized organization, such as the American Translators Association (ATA) or the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT). The certification must be current and the translator must be in good standing with the organization.

How A Translation Agency Can Help Your USCIS Documents Stand Out

In addition to being done by a certified translator, the translation must also be accompanied by a certification statement. This statement must include the translator’s name, address, telephone number, and signature, as well as the statement “I certify that, to the best of my ability, this translation is true and accurate.” The certification statement must also include the date of the translation and the name and address of the person or organization that requested the translation.

The USCIS also requires that the original document and the translation be submitted together. The original document must be in a foreign language and the translation must be in English. In some cases, the USCIS may also require that the translation be notarized.

It is important to note that the USCIS will not accept translations that have been done using software or online translation tools. These translations are often inaccurate and can result in serious delays in the immigration process.

When it comes to finding a reliable translation agency, one option to consider is VKOR Translations. They are a professional translation agency with a team of certified and experienced translators. They can handle a wide range of languages and offer fast turnaround times. They also offer notarization services, which is a requirement for some USCIS applications.

In conclusion, for a translation to be accepted by the USCIS, it must be done by a certified translator, accompanied by a certification statement, and the original document, it should be in English and it should not be done by software or online translation tools. It is important to ensure that all translations meet these requirements in order to avoid delays in the immigration process. For those who are in need of a professional translation agency, VKOR Translations is a great option to consider.